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CM Dhami visits Maando n Kankreeda village, assuring of rehabilitation. Announces package of 200 crores for relief to tourism sector employees

Uttarakhand chief minister Pushkar Singh Dhami today announced a package of Rs 200 crores in order to provide financial relief to about one crore seventy thousand people associated with tourism related activities and petty businesses including jobs in Uttarakhand whose earnings used to feed their respective families’ during the Chardham Yatra season or via tourism sector related activities in Uttarakhand but adversely affected during the challenging Covid times of 1 n a half years.

The tenth chief minister Pushkar Dhami seems to be really serious about providing relief and rehabilitation to the drastically affected inhabitants of the calamity hit Uttarkashi district in Garhwal region. He yesterday held a meeting with the top brass of bureaucracy including the chief secretary Sandhu, additional chief secretary Jawalkar, secretaries of various, department and senior officers of ITBP, BRO, DMA etc interacting with them in his office and virtually directing all the district magistrates of calamity hit areas due to massive rains to respond to the calls of the victims, personally visiting the affected areas, providing them all the necessary support n help including financial compensation, medicines, food, shelter and medical facilities come what may. As a sequel to these proactive efforts the chief minister today visited the calamity hit areas of Uttarkashi along with the district magistrates and the top brass and met the bereaved families assuring them of all possible financial n other help. He also announced the compensation of Rs four lakhs from govt’s side n one lakh from his own side to the bereaved families who’ve lost their near n dear ones in this calamity.

The cabintet minister Ganesh Joshi accompanied the Chief minister. He visited the Maando village and issued immediate instructions to the district magistrate to immediately make necessary arrangements for the rehabilitation of the affected villagers to safer places providing them total facilities ensuring their safety, security and comforts. After meeting the bereaved families n those affected by this calamity the chief minister started fir Kakreeda village. The chief minister pacified the exasperated villagers and assured them of his governments total support instructing the concerned district magistrate to expedite his efforts to rehabilitate them.

He walked over the damaged paths with over flowing muddy water and silt with large number of senior officers, district magistrates and the villagers following him with the chief minister minutely inspecting and assessing the losses to human lives and the distressed life of the inhabitants due to massive rains leading to deluge, landslides, loss of lives n injuries including damaging houses etc.

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