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Farmer’s threat of self-immolation if sugarcane payment is not made

K.P.Malik, sr. Journalist

Regional sugarcane farmers are protesting at the famous and British-era sugar mill of Shamli, a sugarcane belt district in western Uttar Pradesh.

Despite protesting several times, the administration and political leaders are sleeping like Kumbhkaran.

Look at the misfortune of these farmers that the leaders, MLAs and ministers of all the political parties are so intoxicated with the cream of power that they are not concerned about the suffering of these innocent farmers.

Obviously, there are no elections in the state at present, the Lok Sabha elections have recently ended and the assembly elections are still delayed.

Therefore, all the leaders of political parties and contractors of the farmers know very well that it is not necessary to go among the farmers now, when the votes for power have to be harvested from the villages, fields and barns of the farmers.

Then they will reach among these farmers and make false speeches, make false promises and make all kinds of catchphrases to these innocent farmers.

Today while many farmers are pleading for their rights, one farmer and social worker is ready to commit suicide.

But there is no one to listen to them.

Many a times, it is natural for the eyes to become moist after seeing such movements and protests, because in this Shamli sugar mill,

I have seen my grandfather, father and my elder brother carrying sugarcane.

Today my younger brother and my nephew are continuously supplying sugarcane.

Unfortunately, being a farmer’s son, I also have some bigha land in the village.

Sugarcane payment also comes in my account, but when I get the passbook completed, I feel ashamed seeing that small payment without interest and am forced to think how an ordinary farmer family can survive with so little money. could ?

And look at the joke with this farmer that for years he does not even get the money for his crop and there is no mention of interest at all?
Whereas the order of the Honorable Court is that if the sugar mills make the payment after 15 days, they will have to pay interest for a fixed period to the farmer, but the government officials, leaders, ministers and sugar mill administration embezzle the interest money from the farmer by distributing it to the mills. And they make every effort to give him money for his crop also.

My question is, does any other business in the world lend raw materials to industries in this manner? Whose money to give after years as per his wish or not?

It is unfortunate that even today our fourth generation sees this plight of others in the modern era. So it is natural for them to be sad and emotional.

Actually, I got some relief when I heard that Shamli Sugar Mill has been purchased by Triveni Group from the descendants of Shadi Lal. Because there is no doubt that Triveni Group is considered good in Uttar Pradesh. Because compared to other sugar mills, its sugarcane payment is very good and on time. But even the management of Triveni Sugar Mill is not able to handle this matter. What are its technical problems?

I don’t have any specific information about him yet. But I urge the Yogi government, which is sleeping like Kumbhkarni, to immediately pay attention to these farmers and work to provide relief to them. Because soon the farmers have to harvest their sugarcane crop and sow the next wheat crop.

Therefore, due to non-operation of the sugar mill and non-payment, a big problem has arisen in front of them. So, to provide relief to the farmers, the government should arrange for their sugarcane to be sold to other sugar mills and make immediate payment to them, if not 100%, then at least 50 to 60% of the sugarcane.
The so-called farmer-friendly political parties, which boast of fighting for the sugarcane farmers, should also leave the cream of power and join their plight. But today there is no one to listen to the sighs of those farmers.

However, I especially want to wake up those political leaders who have been reaping the political harvest for decades by pretending to be well-wishers of the farmers of this region and are not doing anything special for the farmers.
Keep in mind that if the farmers take the death of those who are angry with them, then it will be very heavy for them because the same farmer knows very well how to stop the wildness by eating the cream of the speculation in the name of the farmers.

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