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Govinda hit by a bullet, operation successful

Renowned Bollywood actor and heartthrob of millions famous for his dancing histrionics too GOVINDA was today injured grievously by the bullet that accidentally hit him below the leg today early morning when he was to leave for airport to catch a flight for Kolkata in connection with an event.

According to news reports the actor is convalescing in a private hospital in Mumbai after the bullet was extracted by the surgeon confirming that he is fully safe and healthy. Bollywood actor Govinda ‘s revolver accidentally fell down from the cupboard when he was taking out some clothes or articles and accidentally hit him below the knee by a bullet .

He was immediately ferried to a hospital and the surgeon concerned immediately extracted the bullet from his wounded and profusely bleeding leg. His wife who was in Kolkata expecting Govinda reaching there when heard about the news of her husband getting injured immediately rushed for Mumbai. In an audio message Govinda thanked the surgeon for extracting the bullet from his leg and assured everyone that he is fine, hale and hearty though with an injured leg that will take time to repair.

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