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Bhupesh Raseen appointed as Board member of Ghana Film Federation

Known as the soul brother of first and original super star of India Rajesh Khanna aka Kaka, Bhupesh Raseen has been appointed as the honorary ” Board Member of Film Federation of Ghana”. Raseen says he is extremely delighted on this occasion.

He sincerely extended his gracious thanks to the Secretary General-Mr. Richard & the entire leadership of Film Federation Of Ghana for this prestigious appointment lauding his contribution fir the development of the trade and entertainment industry in the Republic of Ghana.”

Bhupesh Raseen has been appointed as honorary “BOARD MEMBER” of FILM FEDERATION OF GHANA. The Film Federation of Ghana, Accra, Ghana has chosen Mr Bhupesh for his contribution to the development of the trade and entertainment industry in the Republic of Ghana.

Kindly recall that Bhupesh is an accomplished executive with domestic & international experience in operations. He has successfully created & managed multi channel product distribution, marketing, business development, corporate affairs and government relations activities for both start-up & growth organisations globally. Mr Bhupesh Raseen is a confident business leader with vast experience across diverse industries including Mobile Phone, Spa-Wellness & Entertainment.

Bhupesh developed business & created business opportunities in international markets in Africa, Middle East, C.I.S., Europe & Asia regions. He also diligently worked with various Embassies & High Commissions to develop international business. He represented his companies at various industry-related associations including FICCI as Corporate Leader and also led industry delegations at various national & international platforms including BRICS – South Africa, X International IT Forum – Russia, etc. He has visited many countries which includes U.S.A., U.K., Germany, Finland, Italy, France, Spain, Lithuania, New Zealand, Taiwan, China, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Estonia, Russia,Tajikistan, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Iran, U.A.E. & South Africa.

Raseen’s close association with legendary actor Rajesh Khanna aka Kaka is well known who had protracted proximity with the first super star of Indian film industry, a heart throb of millions, having acted in ninety solo movies as hero and in total, in more than 130 films establishing himself as a king of romanticism still fresh and lively in the minds and hearts of one and all.

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