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Uttrakhand doctors on strike for 24 hours in response to the call of IMA to protest and condemn the Kolkata rape and murder of a 31 yr old doctor

As doctors all over the country are observing 24 hours strike on the call given by the Indian Medical Association to register their tremendous protest against the obnoxious rape and brutal murder of a 31 year old doctor in the Kolkata private medical College though the High Court has yesterday recommended the case to CBI in view of the crime being of rarest of the rare nature,the doctors in entire Uttarakhand too has responded positively to the IMA call and went on a days token strike to express their solidarity with the cause. However, after a nurse was brutally killed after obnoxious rape working in a Rudrapur private hospital two days ago while returning back home with his face badly thrashed with a heavy stone to cover her identity there has been no protest by either the nursing union or the medical fraternity. The culprit behind the crime has been arrested by the efficient police of UP / Rudrapur jointly in Rajasthan. The culprit in this case was from Bareilly and had fled with his family to Rajasthan where he was nabbed by the police and put behind jail. Meanwhile the doctors on protest in Uttarakhand at various places including Dehradun have staged a Dharna holding play cards with slogans written on them : We want justice, Hinsa nahi, suraksha do, ( not violence give us security), No mercy for the rapist, etc. according to the latest news a high level meeting of the Provincial Medical Health Services Union have taken a decision to calm the strike . This stike was in response to the call given by the Indian medical Association to register their string protest against the Kolkata doctor’s murder n rape. A meeting chaired by the President of the Provincial Medical health services union Dr. Manoj held a virtual meeting in various areas of the state and arrived at a cumulative unanimous decision to call the 24 hours strike though the casualty and emergency services including the VIP treatments are on. The meeting strongly condemned the brutal murder after obnoxious rape of a 31 year old doctor in Kolkata government hospital.

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