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Rebellion brewing up in BJP MLAs over Pushkar Dhami’s choice as 3 rd CM in mere 3.5 months ?

The political turmoil in Uttarakhand still continues with cabinet minister Satpal Maharaj, minister n former Congress chief Yashpal Arya and even Dhan Singh Rawat walking out of the BJP legislator meeting in the presence of central party observers on Saturday when the two term lawmaker from Khatima Pushkar Dhami was declared as the eleventh chief minister of Uttarakhand. These senior leaders were badly annoyed as they had been sidelined not once but thrice while Tivendra Singh Rawat, Tirath Singh Rawat and now a junior incumbent Khatima MLA was chosen for the top slot in Uttarakhand thus killing their ambition to lead the state always being hot aspirants to lead the state.

The name of cabinet minister Harak Singh Rawat as a rebellion was also in the news who had been in not so good terms with earlier CMs with Trivendra Singh Rawat even snatching from him his chairmanship of a department, he was holding.

Till yesterday evening n even till now, there are speculations that about thirty five MLAs of BJP are in a mood to revolt against change of three CMs in four months and over the choice of Khatima MLA Pushkar Singh Dhami as the 11 th CM in two decades and third in 3.5 months making their position ridiculous by imposing him on them by the central leadership.

According to reliable sources though cabinet minister Dhan Singh Rawat, former BJP state chief Bansidhar Bhagat, state BJP chief Madan Kaushik and minister Chufal are denying any factionalism and annoyance of MLAs in Uttarakhand, their tune and tenor in front of media unambiguously shows their changed frustrated mood.

Sources reveal that Satpal Maharaj, Harak Singh Rawat and Yashpal Rawat , the earlier Congress leaders and heavyweights now with BJP holding ministerial positions are the most exasperated leaders who had clandestinely approached top leadership of Congress probably Sonia Gandhi through their feelers n vice versa, yesterday, expressing their desire to join their old party provided it assures one of them to nominate them the CM of the Uttarakhand. It is believed that the Congress chief was also interested in this gamble.

They had allegedly assured of the support of over thirty five MLAs ready to shift sides with media hype.

However, the BJP, while strongly refuting these news as mere rumours have assured that all the MLAs are solidly with them and there is no question of any rebellion.

Even speaking to media Dhan Singh Rawat and Satpal Maharaj are reported to have denied these speculations as baseless.

Despite all this, the latest development reveal that the political environment in Uttarakhand BJP is quite hot with mood of rebellion in BJP boiling up, not knowing as to when it will explode. Satpal Maharaj n Harak Singh Rawat are feeling badly cheated n betrayed despite the hard fact that the former was the first Congress rebel having joined BJP in 2014 protesting against the dictatorial style of Harish Rawat’s functioning sidelining him always.

The Sequence of meetings at various lavels are still taking place with several BJP leaders trying to pacify majority of the lawmakers badly exasperated over the choice of Pushkar Singh Dhami, the 11 th CM of Uttarakhand.

The third CM of Uttarakhand within four months has a challenging road ahead having merely with months to prove his mettle as a capable and pro people CM as the state assembly elections are due in the month of April as the government’s tenure lasts till March 23 rd. Pushkar Dhami, a second term lawmaker with no experience as a minister will lead the BJP in the ensuing assembly elections in 2022. And as such the saffron party’s prospects of winning the election rest on his performance as an able and outstanding chief minister having no experience being a fresh youthful chief minister. It remains to be seen when he acknowledges the cooperation of the outgoing two CMs or faces the rebellion MLAs n senior leaders, currently annoyed with his appointment imposed on them by the central high command.

According to latest reports a close doors meeting held by BJP president Madan Kaushik is still in progress in Dehradun to pacify the annoyed MLAs. Satpal Maharaj another rebel ministers too are interacting with the lawmakers to chalk out their further course of action, though BJ P ministers Dhan Singh Rawat , MP Ajay Bhatt and Madan Kaushik has claimed that ALL IS WELL, terming as news of rebellion as baseless rumours.

Meanwhile the newly elected CM Pushkar Dhami is meeting every key rebel leaders with bouquets seeking their blessings diplomatically, though considered by the rebels as an immature and politically novice CM expressing their resentment over his appointment by the central High command. Dhami went to Satpal Maharaj, n former veteran CM Bhuvan Chandra Khanduri n former CMs residences and presented bouquets seeking their blessings, a diplomatic exercise to pacify his detractors. He also presented bouquets to. Former both CMs, TSRs and party chief Madan Kaushik etc.

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  1. No one could complete 5 years out of 11 CM excluding late N. D. Tiwari. Now, let’s see fluctuations of two national political parties BJP & Congress.

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