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Media freedom, assault of free press n journalists,

The PCI, alongside major press bodies and digital rights organizations called on the government to repeal provisions in new laws, seen as threats to press freedom.

The Press Club of India, alongside major press bodies and digital rights organizations, has called on the government to repeal provisions in new laws that are seen as threats to press freedom.

In a consultative meeting, these organizations passed a resolution urging Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s administration to address the issue urgently.

The resolution emphasizes the need for an institutional mechanism to facilitate stakeholder consultation before drafting any future media laws.

This mechanism would ensure that press freedom is upheld and that new regulations are developed with input from journalists, media organizations, and digital rights advocates.

Highlighting the critical role of a free and independent press in a democratic society, the Press Club of India and its partners believe such a consultative process is essential.

Catagorically speaking about the proposed bills meant to silence the voice of press freedom the resolution unambiguously states that the sweeping provisions under laws such as the proposed Broadcast Services (Regulation) Bill, 2023, the Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023, the Press and Registration of Periodicals Act, 2023, and more importantly, the Information Technology Amendment Rules, 2023, which grants authority to the government to remove any online content pertaining to its
business that it deems to be false or misleading, are meant to silence the press.

They argue that involving stakeholders in the law-making process can prevent regulations from inadvertently or intentionally curbing journalistic independence.

The unified stance of the press community and digital rights organizations underscores the importance of protecting press freedom in India.

They call on the government to take immediate steps to safeguard the rights of journalists and media professionals.

The resolution reflects growing concerns over legislative measures perceived as threats to the independence of the media, urging prompt and decisive action from the government to ensure press freedom remains intact.

The resolution was signed by jointly signed by
Gautam Lahiri, President, Press Club of India, Gurbir Singh, Chairman, Press Club of Mumbai
Snehasis Sur, President, Press Club Kolkata
Umesh Sharma,Secretary, Press Club of Chandigarh, Prateek WaPress Club alongside ghre, Executive Director, Internet Freedom Foundation, M Radhakrishnan, Secretary, Trivandrum Press Club, Shams Tabrez Qasmi, President, Cogito Media Foundation, Sujata Madhok, President, Delhi Union of Journalists, SN Sinha, President, Working News Cameramen’s Association, Dhanya Rajendran, Chairperson , DIGIPUB, News India Foundation, Parul Sharma,President,Indian Women’s Press Corps, C.K. Nayak, President,Press Association, Geetartha Pathak, President, Indian Journalist Union, Balbir Singh Jandu, Secretary, Indian Journalist Union, Suhas Borker, Convener and Jan Prasar.

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