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Rahul Gandhi attends CJM Court proceedings at Surat, Gujarat. Denies charges

Former Congress president Rahul Gandhi today presented himself in front of the chief metropolitian magistrate at Surat, Gujarat in a case pertaining to his objectionable utterances in an election speech in Kollar, Karnataka in 2019.

Rahul Gandhi when asked about the charges levelled against him denied them today, while pleading non guilty in 2019.

A BJP lawmaker of Surat, West, Gujarat Purnesh Modi had filed a defamation suit against the former Congress president Rahul Gandhi in the court of chief judicial magistrate in Surat for his objectionable statement while adressing a well attended public meeting at Kollar Karnataka in 2019 lok Sabha campaigning while he was the Congress president saying that how come that all the money thieves have Modi as their surname etc.

He had catagorically said that this amounts to an insult and degradation of the reputation of Modi community.

When a magistrate asked Rahul Gandhi about his remarks that how come all the thieves carry the surname of Modi, allegedly paying 30 crores to his friend by PM Modi etc he denied the charges saying I don’t know and that he being a national leader usually raise such issues against corruption and unemployment in his various speeches in wider national interest as these are his constitutional rights.

Kindly recall that on the complaint of the Surat West MLA of BJP Purnesh Modi, a case was registered against former Congress president under section 499 and 500.

He was asked by the chief judicial magistrate to present himself in the court on 24 th June and give final statements on the matter. In his earlier appearence in 2019, Rahul Gandhi had already pleaded non guilty. The next date of the case has been fixed for July 12.

It may be recalled that in 2019 Rahul Gandhi had tendered an unconditional apology in the Supreme Court over his jibe ” Chowkidar Chief Hai”, in connection with the Rafale episode linking the supreme court after the judgement on Rafale.

He used to usually use this jibe against PM Modi in his various public meeting during the 2019 general election campaigns as well. In this case Congress leader Rahul Gandhi had attributed the jibe “Chowkidar Chor hai’ after the honourable supreme court judgement on Rafale allegedly linking the top court.

Gandhi had then filed a fresh affidavit in the apex court seeking unconditional apologies stating that he holds the supreme court in highest esteem and has requested closure of the contempt proceedings against him terming his jibe as unintentional and Inadvertantly linking to the highest court.

The deponent unconditionally apologises for the wrongful attributions to the Hon’ble court said Rahul Gandhi in his affidavit.

Earlier Gandhi had expressed regrets but the chief justice Ranjan Gogoi asked him to tender complete apology for linking the court.

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