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Press Club of India expresses grave concern over the arrest of Ashutosh Negi. Urges Press Council to take up the case to deliver due justice

Press Club of India expresses grave concern over the arrest of Ashutosh Negi by Uttarakhand Police on unsubstantiated charges.

Jago Uttarakhand portal editor Negi is continuously raising his voice against baseless allegations against the police In connection with the alleged murder of 19-year-old Ankita Bhandari, who worked as a receptionist in the resort owned by the son of then BJP minister Vinod Arya.

Uttarakhand Police has also accused Negi of creating mistrust against the state government and police, without confirming the allegations against him.

According to news reports, Negi, as a citizen journalist, has expressed concern for speedy justice for the family of the young woman who was allegedly murdered.

The police are treating Negi like a common criminal instead of working on the investigation of the primary crime.

It is the inalienable right of every citizen to question the functioning of the government and police, leave alone the question of journalists, who perform their duties and speak truth to power, to keep democracy alive and vibrant.

Uttarakhand Police has said: “The alleged motive behind this is suspected to be on social workers like Ashutosh Negi… We are investigating the activities of Negi, which appear to be part of a conspiracy.

If we find any evidence, action will be taken.”
The tone of the statement suggests vengeance and smacks of guilt.

Press Club of India urges the Press Council of India to take up the case of Ashutosh Negi and ensure that his arrest is independently investigated so that no injustice is done.

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