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Amit Bisht missing since 7 th June from Sahibabad. Was working in a channel

A person namely Amit Bisht aged 42 years working in a news channel ( journalist) is missing since 7 th of June from Rajendra Nagar, Sector 5, Sahibabad. There is no news about his whereabouts resulting in his family in immense botheration fearing untoward happening. The worried family has submitted a complaint to Sahibabad police station addressed to the SHO on 8 th June. The complaint signed by his father Surendra Singh Bisht states that his son Amit Bisht, 5 feet 6 inches in height aged 42 years with wheatish complexion, wearing white shirt and blue Jeans had left his house on 7 th June and is missing till date. He had left for Rajiv Gandhi Bhavan, New Delhi said the complaint. The family had confirmed from Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, New Delhi, about his non arrival there nor had he been to any of his relatives’ or friends’ house mentions the complaint. He had left the phone at his house as his son had to appear in on line classes etc. The father has requested the police Authority to kindly inform his family in case he is traced. The complaint of the missing person’s father must have been converted into FIR as the typed letter seems to be merely a missing complaint. The well wishers and police department has probably circulated this missing complaint with the picture and other relevant details in the social media for the last few days alongwith the address n phone numbers. Anyone finding Amit Bisht son of Surendra Singh Bisht s requested to inform the Sahibabad police station as well as the family on the following numbers : 9810485751, 8826446434, 9990616173. The police and the family members of missing Amit Bisht are doing their best to trace him but all in vain till date.

Amit Bisht is the resident of House 2B, 4 th Floor, Dhanpat Colony, Rajendra Nagar, Sector 5, Sahibabad, UP.

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