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Uttar Pradesh crisis. Which way will the wind blow is anybody’s guess ?

The crisis between the Uttar Pradesh chief minister and the saffron party high command seems to be snowballing in a deeper crisis with indications of alleged ouster of the dedicated and committed saffron clad chief minister Yogi Adityanath before the elections due for 2022, probably ten months before the assembly elections or pressurizing him to surrender accommodating the former IAS bureaucrat turned politician, an alleged choice of prime minister by inducting him in the cabinet likely to be rejigged as indicated by various news reports.

The recent political developments of the last week of supposed down slide in relations between the prime minister Narendra Modi and the incumbent Yogi Adityanath unambiguously speak of the enhancing difference of opinion between both the party n government stalwarts, with a senior bureaucrat and now MLC in Uttar Pradesh hailing from Bihar cadre, though originally from Ghonda UP, Arvind Sharma being the bone of contention whom, various news reports say was air dashed from Gujarat n PMO in UP, made MLC n now allegedly recommended for the post of deputy CM or senior cabinet minister in the next rejig, allegedly refused or kept in abeyance by Yogi Adityanath.

This attitude of the saffron clad chief minister was not felt good or held in esteem by the highest powers in Delhi say the news reports and therefore a trend of various sessions of political discussions between RSS leaders and BJP high command including meetings of secretary B.L. Santosh and Radha Mohan Singh union minister with the UP governor Anandi Ben Patel commenced with the former leaders terming them as just courtsey call, not being believed or digested by anyone. Not only this but the these senior party leaders also met several MLAs and party leaders in Lucknow giving it a shape of an exercise to strengthen the party organisation before the state election with no speculation of change in leadership. However, there are also reports that several lawmakers had complaint against the CM Yogi Adityanath for not giving any weightage to them n resolving their issues rather working under the bureaucratic influence. They also had complaints against him for having failed to effectively counter the Covid 19 pandemic in the state with the disease becoming uncontrollable leading to fatalities n widespread infection.

If one believes in the recent developments and news appearing in section of the press it is absolutely clear that majority of the speculations pin to Arvind Sharma IAS being the main reason behind the present UP crisis that led to deteriorating relations between the PM Narendra Modi and UP CM Yogi Adityanath, just ten months before the assembly elections due to be held in 2022.

Reports suggest that first Arvind Sharma, former IAS was air dashed to Lucknow from Gujarat n PMO and made the MLC and thereafter allegedly recommended for the post of deputy CM UP or Cabinet minister with powerful ministries like home etc but the CM Yogi Adityanath politely refused in view of the already existing two deputy CMs with one of them not relenting to vacate to allegedly adjust Arvind Sharma.

It may be recalled that in a sudden move during the month of January, on 12 th, the former IAS of Gujarat cadre extremely in good books of prime minister Narendra Modi had voluntarily resigned with a buzz that he will take over a senior role in Prime minister’s office.

Arvind had earlier served in PMO as an additional secretary and was solely accompanying Modi when he went to Rashtrapati Bhawan to seek oath as the PM. He was also in the core team of prime minister and had also served with Narendra Modi while he was the chief minister of Gujarat.

What is the interesting facet about Arvind Sharma that he joined the BJP in Lucknow, thereafter in the presence of Swatantra Singh, party’s chief of Uttar Pradesh and was later on made MLC.

Being so close to the prime minister as his confidante when his name for the Deputy chief minister was made to UP CM Yogi Adityanath, the latter thought that his rights or discretionary powers are being eroded n pressurised to induct a former bureaucrat next to him. It allegedly hurt the CM’s ego said sources.

This resulted in meetings n sessions of BJP top leaders n RSS think tank with Radhamohan Singh and BL Santosh meeting the governor n speaker Hriday Narain Dikhshit and RSS top leader Holasaheb too discussing the issue within close doors.

According to news reports there are indications that saffron clad CM Yogi Adityanath who is working hard during challenging pandemic times is being allegedly pressurised to accommodate the former bureaucrat n confidante of the top central leadership either as deputy CM or as cabinet minister with important portfolio in the next expansion/ rejig or face the political consequences.

This is what various unconfirmed reports suggest. It may be recalled that Yogi Adityanath who is rated as one of the stalwart Hindu leader in the country and most popular after PM Modi commanding tremendous say n popularity among the majority community is also termed as a challenge to central party leadership within his own party, in view of his enhancing popularity in the majority community, in particular. However, the protagonists of party high command and PM Modi rubbish these rumours. The recent change in the state leadership in Uttarakhand just a year ago send a dangerous signal to the chiefs of some of saffron states of the country as well. What comes out in Uttar Pradesh, however, is anybody’s guess. But in Uttarakhand though a very small state politically, the change in leadership has definitely send signals that nothing is static or stable in politics n what happens next is always unpredictable.

Featured pic : Courtsey DNA India

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