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Lalduhoma to be sworn is as CM of Mizoram with 12 ministers today

Mizoram also got a new chief minister after Telangana got its new CM as Revathi of the Congress party. The Mizoram’s new chief minister, a former IPS Mr. Lalduhoma will be sworn in today at 11 AM at Raj Bhavan in Aijwal , Mizoram’s capital in a function organised at the Governor’s house where state governor Hari Baby Kambhampati will sworn in the new CM. Some ministers will also be sworn in today says the news reports. There is, a possibility of 12 ministers being sworn in, some full fledged cabinet minister and some of state minister ranks. According to the Constitution norms not more than 12 minister could be sworn in in Mizoram cabinet. Kindly recall that the four years old regional party Zoram People’s Movement won in Mizoram with thumping majority securing 27 out of 40 assembly seats with the ruling party MNF securing ten seats, the BJP two and Congress merely one. The former chief minister Mr. Zoramthanga has rendered resignation after humbly accepting the people’s mandate being badly defeated at the hustings. He resigned as the president of the party after being its chief for 33 long years and also as CM for several years accepting the moral responsibility for the party’s debacle.

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