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Fmr PF Commissioner Sharma’s noble work continues for the last 1.5 yrs during challenging Covid times

Former Provident Fund Commissioner and a renowned social reformer V.N. Sharma has been doing a pioneering noble work since the day Covid 19 commenced and had till date supplied lakhs of food packets, rations, fruits, PPE kits, masks, medicines, financial support and even free stationary to the poor n Families and economically deprived children in various localities of Delhi and Uttarakhand.

This author have been personally witness to his pioneering social work, feeding the hungry stomachs of the poor n hapless n unemployed by his incessant supply of food packets, rations, medicines, Covid 19 kit n everything, including PPE kits, oxymetres n thermometers etc.

He even helped the employees of Press Club of India during the challenging Covid times. In Uttarakhand too he supplied the necessary food packets, rations, branded masks, sanitizers, medicines n even financial help in Nainidanda block, Ramnagar and other districts of Garhwal n Kumaon, Uttarakhand.

While in service too, he had been organising umpteen number of medical camps for cardiology, eye ailments etc and rendering the poor n needy women n men free spectacles, medicines n even arranging for cardiac treatments etc in the interior remote villages during the last four decades.

Such selfless legends should be recognised fully by the state governments viz Govt of Uttarakhand and Delhi.

Now when Covid 19 is spreading ferociously and unfortunate people dying for want of adequate treatment we appeal to NGOs n various social organisations to come forward and extend their hand of support, especially in remote villages of Uttarakhand reiterated retired PF Commissioner and president of Manav Sewa Uthan Samittee, a social organisation wedded to the cause of human welfare n well being.

As a sequel to his ongoing efforts former PF Commissioner n president, Manav Sewa Samittee V.N. Sharma distributed good number of N 95 masks, medicines, oximeter, infra red thermometer and kadha in Nainidanda block in Pauri Garhwal district to gram Pradhans and other Corona warriors.

In addition to this he also arranged n distributed 200 N 95 masks made by Arvind Mills and sponsored by United WY of Bengaluru and Uttarakhand Manav Seva Samiti Delhi and also handed over to Dr Anmol Thakur, in charge ( Allopathy) and Joshi Govt Hospital on 31st May(Monday) .

Earlier on February 6 th and 21, 500 N 95 masks ,20 oximeters and 12 infra red thermometer were given to this hospital Admn. Till date since the last one and a half year of the commencement of Covid, Mr. V.N. Sharma, under the auspices of Mahavir International and Manav Sewa Uthan Samittee have fed lakhs of genuinely needy families hailing from the lowest strata of the society with heavy food packets, allopathic n Ayurvedic medicines, branded masks, Kaadha, PPE kits, hundreds of oxymetres, Thermometers, sanitizers, gloves, stationary for children, n financial support during the most critical Covid times n lockdown.

Chartered accountant Mr. Vikram Bisht and the dedicated team of Mr. Sharma are also supporting and contributing to help people during these challenging Covid times with their sole mission to help the needy and deserving suffering during the Covid lockdown. Salutes.

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