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LPG GAS PRICES RAISED BY 185% AND LOWERED ONLY BY 17.5% DESPITE THE FACT THAT THE INTERNATIONAL GAS PRICE CAME DOWN TO 470$/MT which was 1010 $ / MT in 2014 and gas price per cylinder was Rs 400 only

The BJP led NDA government was compelled to lower the domestic gas price not because the prime minister Narendra Modi was really concerned for his sisters and countrymen as he has said yesterday while lowering the price of gas by Rs 200 per cylinder, but was compelled to do so after the non BJP opposition conglomerate I. N. D. I. A. had shown its power of unity which has been constantly questioning the ruling political dispensation on pivotal issues of skyrocketing inflation of domestic gas, petrol, diesel, essential commodities and massive unemployment the country. In the last 9.5 years by earning fuel tax of rupees thirty lakh crores from countrymen raising the price of LPG gas by 185% and just lowering the price by 17.5% it can no more befool and misguide the countrymen said the Congress party. In a video released on X, the chief of social media, digital communication of AICC and the vociferous spokesperson of All India Congress committee Supriya Shrinate while strongly castigating the BJP led NDA government tried to mobilise and educate the women community and countrymen, whom prime minister Narendra Modi has yesterday ( on Tuesday) in his tweet ( X) said that he has by lowering the domestic gas prices straight away by Rs. 200 per cylinder given them a Rakshabandhan gift and made them trouble free , responded in Hindi saying that read my information after tomorrow when all the cheers and drumming in jubilation of lashing down Rs 200 on LPG gas cylinder , the so called Tohfa by PM dissipates.

The Congress spokesperson Supriya Shrinate wrote : This is INDIA’S power that those who had lit fire on the LPG Gas rates have now been compelled to slash them down. During the last 9.5 years the BJP led NDA government minted a massive profit of 30 lakh crores from fuel tax in the last 9.5 years . In terms of purchasing power, the most expensive cooking gas in the world was sold in India. LPG price from 2014 to 2023 was raised up by 185% . The LPG price was ₹ 400 in 2014, during the Congress rule led by prime minister Dr. Manmohan Singh which was raised to ₹ 1140 in 2023. This is 185% increase in the price of Gas cylinder being highest in the world. However the reduction in LPG price was done by merely by 17.5% in August 2023. The LPG price in India depends on Saudi Aramco’s LPG price and ₹/$. What is surprising to note is that during Congress’s regime when Dr. Manmohan Singh was the prime minister, the Saudi Aramco LPG Price was $1010/MT ( dollars) and in Jan 2014 it was $590/MT. However in Jan 2023 the Saudi Aramco LPG Price further came down to $470/MT in August 2023 less than half of the international price and the gas should have been of just half of the rate in India but it was Rs 1100. The Saudi Aramco LPG price in July ’23 came down further to $400/ pet MT ( Metric Ton) , in June ’23 to $450/MT further down. Those who have been doing dacoity for 10 years, it is too late now said Supriya, Shrinate. She added : It is public, everyone knows it wrote Congress spokesperson on her X earlier Twitter and also expressed her view in s video too, posted here.

9.5 सालों में ईंधन टैक्स से 30 लाख करोड़ की मुनाफ़ाख़ोरी

Supriya Shrinate

कल से बजने वाले ढोल-ताशे अब जब शांत हो गये हैं – तो पढ़िए रसोई गैस के दाम घटा कर बहनों को तथाकथित तोहफ़ा देने का सच.

ये INDIA की ताक़त है कि रसोई गैस के दाम में आग लगाने वाले अब दाम घटाने को मजबूर हैं.

  • 9.5 सालों में ईंधन टैक्स से 30 लाख करोड़ की मुनाफ़ाख़ोरी की
  • ख़रीद की क्षमता से दुनिया में सबसे महँगी रसोई गैस भारत में बिकी
  • रसोई गैस दाम 2014 – 2023: 185% ऊपर गये
  • रसोई गैस दाम 2014 में ₹400, 2023 में ₹1140
  • अगस्त 2023 में रसोई गैस दाम 17.5% घटाए
  • भारत में रसोई गैस दाम साऊदी अरामको के LPG दाम और ₹/$ पर निर्भर
  • साऊदी अरामको LPG दाम: Jan 2014 में $1010/MT Vs Jan 2023 $590/MT
  • साऊदी अरामको LPG दाम: August 2023 में $470/MT
  • साऊदी अरामको LPG दाम July ‘23 में $400/MT, June ‘23 $450/MT

10 साल से डाका डालने वालों, बहुत देर कर दी. ये पब्लिक है, ये सब जानती है.

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