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Uttarakhand CM releases the promo and poster of a movie on the life and relentless supreme sacrifice against the then tyrannical Tehri dynasty in Garhwal Bhawan, Delhi

On Tuesday, July 25, 2023, the promo and poster of the historical feature film “Pahadi Ratna – Sridev Suman” based on the life of Uttarakhand’s great revolutionary and freedom fighter revered Sridev Suman was released by the Chief Minister of Uttarakhand, Pushkar Singh Dhami, at Bhagirathi Hall of Garhwal Bhawan. Several dignitaries of many social organizations were present on this ocassion.

Mr. Vikram Singh Negi is the producer of the movie titled “Pahadi Ratna-Sridev Suman” whereas the screenplay and dialogue writer is Mr. Devi Prasad Semwal, The director of the film in Garhwali dialect is Mr. Brij Rawat.
The music to the historic first ever Garhwali movie on the life, relentless struggle and supreme sacrifice to free the then Tehri dynasty of its tyrannical rule was accorded by Shravan Bhardwaj and Sumit Gunsai duo musicians. The lyrics of the movie have been presented by
Padam Gusai and Brij Mohan Vedwal, who is also a renewed actor of several Garhwali movies. The Cinematography of the film has been rendered by Rajendra Singh Arvind Negi, both choreographers.

The Research-Collection-Kathasar Dr • M R Saklani has been executed by the associate director of the film. Mr. Rajendra Negi (Raju Bhai) and executive producer. The famous actor of Uttarakhand Mr. Rajesh Malgudi and other experienced actors have played important roles in the above film.

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