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A woman brutally killed by a maneater in Rikhnikhal block with panic all around villages.

I don’t really feel like writing this highly shocking, traumatic and heart wrenching news but profession compels me to do so. I with a very heavy heart would like to acquaint you that a great tragedy had occurred today at Rikhnikhal Block, in Pauri Garhwal district about one more brutal death of a woman namely Bishambari Devi wife of Kanhaiya Lall of Jharat village caused by none other but a maneater leopard who had earlier too made several others his/ her prey , sending shock waves in entire Garhwal and Uttarakhand with the forest and wild life department doing literary nothing than drawing a sorry figure. Uttarakhand’s Garhwal and Kumaon divisions have been witnessing such deadly incidents of maneater brutal killings in the recent past with several women, children, old aged and even youngsters falling prey to these predators with forest and wild life department’s personnel being of no use to curb this ongoing menace. In the past few months in Nainidanda , Rikhnikhal, Pauri and Chamoli blocks there have been several deadly incidents of treacherous deaths of innocent villagers with forest and wild life department officials hiring professional hunters to kill them and even fixing cages to capture the maneaters in order to curtail these mishappenings but of no avail. In Rikhnikhal ,Bironkhal and Nainidanda blocks several schools were closed and curfew imposed for several days in fear of freely roaming maneaters but finally the predators have their say with forest and wild life departments becoming mere spectators. The Uttarakhand government has in the recent past taking a very non serious decision not to hire professional hunters in future in order to safeguard the tigers and leopards undervaluing the human lives which are at stake. The human lives are cheaper than the human killer maneaters in the eyes of the government. Several women working in farmlands and school going children had been brutally killed earlier and several old aged women and children dragged by the maneater leopards into the nearby jungles and bushes from the house compound finally killing them brutally, leaving behind their highly mutilated bodies. People of Garhwal and Kumaon divisions are badly fed up and threatened by these freely roaming maneaters at villages or roadsides periphery prowling for human flesh as excessive construction, increasing pollution oriented traffic and sound pollution have disturbed the carnivores inside jungles compelling them to take refuge in bushes near villages which are empty due to mass migration to cities and looking for human flesh as their regular prey. The brutal death of Bishambari Devi by maneaters in Rikhnikhal block has panicked the villagers who are badly angered and insecure testing for their lives and that of their children demanding killing of the maneaters forthwith or caging them for their safety.

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