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Would there be a cabinet reshuffle/ expansion in Uttarakhand in the near future ? News about CM allegedly called to Delhi with report cards of his ministers !

There are indications about cabinet reshuffle in Uttarakhand in the near future with some new faces to be included and old ones to go. There have been lot of complaints about some ministers not performing well in their respective ministries. The BJP high command has summoned the chief minister Pushkar Singh Dhami to Delhi with the report cards of his ministers whose performance will be duly assessed and then decision taken as to whether they will be continued in the council of ministers or shunted out. However two ministers whose report card seems to be excellent are Dhan Singh Rawat and Saurabh Bahuguna and senior cabinet minister Satpal Maharaj either likely to be the parliamentary candidate from Pauri Garhwal in the national election of 2024 or may be given a gubernatorial post. In Uttarakhand under the present regime right from Ankita Bhandari case to the massive cheating and paper leak scam n several other scams the party’s name has come under question including the ongoing Kedarnath Gold scam etc. The government led by BJP and its high command is worried about the party’s performance in 2024 when national elections are due. Similarly from the organisational point of view too the BJP high command is worried. It wants its ministers to perform with efficiency to generate goodwill of the party among the electorates which has phenomenally come down and media highlighting their poor performance. Though there are four designations vacant in the Uttarakhand cabinet which can be filled but some younger MLAs, some ministers may also be shown the doors as their performance is lacking and their image too is bringing bad name to the saffron party. Some ministers’ departments may also be changed reveal sources. This question of reshuffle /expansion arose due to bad performance by some ministers and saffron party’s image coming down to some extent. This speculation about the performance report card analysis by BJP central high command has put some ministers in quandary with their blood pressure fluctuating badly. They are finding their ministerial chair dwindling. There are reports of the swearing in ceremony taking place after the end of the ongoing “Maha Jan Sampark Abhiyan”. It may be recalled that while the Uttarakhand BJP government led by young CM Pushkar Singh Dhami is busy these days on formulation of a concrete Bhu Kanoon and Uniform Civil Code including destroying the illegal Majaars in various parts of Uttarakhand giving an impression about the ruling political dispensation sensing the people’s nerve/ pulse and trying to fulfill the emotional demands of the electorates. Meanwhile sources reveal that the BJP high command wants to give chance to some other deserving aspirants specially the younger ones, showing the doors to ministers who are good for nothing but liability on the government. Recently there was a “Jan Samvaad”, interaction with people programme in Delhi’s Constitution club in the presence of the UCC committee led by Justice (R) Ranjana Desai with political analysts saying that Uttarakhand government which is in hurry to implement the UCC in Uttarakhand to appease majority community wants to give an impression that it is being implemented through people’s participation not individually by the government. The entire exercise is being seen by the BJP high command to ensure that it wins all the five Lok Sabha seats in 2024 particularly because the present MPs have not come true to the expectations of the electorates resulting in increasing anti incumbency in all the five constituencies. Therefore, the high command wants adequate representation from all the parliamentary constituencies with younger and capable faces who can by their works win the trust of the electorates of these five parliamentary seats helping BJP high command to win them all.

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