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AFTER DR CHANDI PRASAD BHATT WRITES TO PM AND SEND’S A COPY TO UK CM PUSHKAR SINGH DHAMI On Badrinath redevelopment, he’s not happy with the response !

Eminent environmentalist of global fame, recipient of Padma Shri and Magsaysay award for his invaluable contribution in environmental protection, the pioneer of the Chipko movement along with Gaura Devi , Chandi Prasad Bhatt has expressed his serious concern and reservation over the ongoing new master plan of Badrinath development being carried out by the central government to which he had given his nod earlier but for eco friendly development which ultimately has been currently thrown to winds. Chandi Prasad Bhatt seems to be concerned with the continuous digging being done at the base of the temple including closing of two natural water streams at Badrinath temple namely Kurm Dhaara and Prahalad Dhaara. Extremely concerned over the unfriendly development he said that he had been associated with Badrinath Dham emotionally for the last five decades visiting here regularly but the way things are moving on he sees threat to this historic temple site and its people.

In a strong letter addressed to prime minister earlier, the eminent environmentalist Chandi Prasad wrote : The reconstruction in Badrinath Dham is being carried out under your monitoring and guidance. In this, regard I want to bring to your kind attention that this entire area is very sensitive from the point of view of seismology and geo natural aspect . In the past Badrinath Dham has experienced many tragic landslides, earthquakes and glacial quakes due to the massive cutting of Alaknanda river resulting in unaccounted tragedy. The natural tragedies that occurred in the years 1803, 1930, 1949, 1954,1979, 2007, 20013 and 2014 are worth mentioning.

It was only due to these very reasons that a proposal for reconstruction and redevelopment of Badrinath Dham put forward by Jai Shri Trust of Birla group years ago was outrightly turned down by none other but a highlevel committee formed by the government to take a decision on this proposal put forward by Mr. Birla. This committee comprised of eminent specialists of various fields. The committee was chaired by Narain Dutt Tiwari, former UP CM.

I could not visit Badrinath Dham during the past five years due to my bad health. Some of my colleagues of Mana village and friends who’d returned back from the Badrinath temple have acquainted me about the redevelopment works going on their on full swing. They also informed me about two of the ancient water streams namely “Kurm Dhaara”, n Prahalad Dhara out of five water streams ( PANCH dhaaraas) having shifted its route and stopped. To hear this, was extremely troublesome for me. It was in a way like altering the entire BADRINATH DHAM.

In the temple precincts the things which are still in its ancient form and shapes are : temple precinct, Singh Dwar, Bhog Mandi, PANCH Dharayen ( Prahalad, Kumbh, Bhrighu, Urvashi and Indra Dharas ( Water streams) , PANCH Shilayen ( five statues) Garud, Nar, Nursinh, Varah and Markandey. In addition there are Tapt Kund, Narad Kund, Surya Kund and Tapt Kapal Kund. Any change in these ancient things will amount to changing the entire Badrinath Dham. This will result in putting adverse affect on the purity, ethics, prestige and circumstantial stability of historic thousand or more year old highly revered historic temple.

My request is to ensure that while carrying out the redevelopment of Badrinath Dham – its ancient character and embodiment ( archaic form) is not changed and maintained fully so that it does not experience any adverse impact.

In addition to this it should also be ensured that while carrying out the construction, mining or other activities in Badrinath Dham special care should be taken that all the works are done in such an environment friendly way that the basic archaic form of the temple is not disturbed, damaged or anything harm done to it.

The Badrinath Ghati ( valley) Dev Darshani to Maana village is about five kilometres distant ( long) and 1 kilometre wide Ghati ( valley) built by Himnad giving it a U shape.

According to the geologist MPS Bisht tremendous amount of silt have been brought in this valley. A huge quantity of breaking rocks pile up in the lower valley after falling on this silt collected on both the sides of the running Alaknanda river. The constant breaking glaciers due to gravity and the huge silt generated by frost action has resulted in the creation of lakes in the shape of two eyes shape on the base of Nar Parbat ( Human Mountain). These are called “SHESHNETR”.

There is KANCHANGANGA at the start of Badrinath that emerges from “Kuber Bhandar Himnaad”. Before “Devdarshini”, Kunchunjunga gets amalgamated into Alaknanda river. Thereafter Rishi Ganga emnamates from ” NEELKANTH MOUNTAINS”, joins near Bamni village. Saraswati river too that comes out of Maana Darra joins, Alaknanda at Keshav Prayag along with other small tributaries . All these tributaries since time immemorial have been smoothly flowing, sometimes angered as well creating damage and disturbances resulting in loss to lives etc.

I had been to Badrinath Dham at the age of 7 for the first time in 1940. Thereafter I had been regularly visiting here when there is any ecological disaster, thunderstorms or natural calamities.

In view of the fragile ecology of this area and our weak mountains including the constant ongoing ecological activities especially the nature’s anger – time and again at high altitude himalayan ranges , my exact opinion is that before taking any decision to carry out any developmental work in this region the government should first minutely conduct the detailed geological and ecological studies.

The minute and detailed studies of constantly occurring glacial bursts and prior to that the flowing of uncontrolled heavy snow bound thunderstorm including the ferocious cold waves coming from Neelkanth mountains has become mandatory.

With these studies we’ll be able to learn about the credibility of the existing capacity of glaciers ( stability) on the face/ mouth of the mountains, including the cutting being done on the sides of Alaknanda river and capacity to bear / carrying capacity assessment etc.

Similarly, special attention should be paid to ensure that the craftsmanship should be adhered to specifically in view of the religious and spiritual significance of Badrinath Dham.

It may be recalled that in the past late Hargobind Pant had during the period of Badrinath Temple Committee had in order to give this historic temple a prestigious look while maintaining its age old traditions including giving it a new shape established a special committee for this very purpose.

What is today in Badrinath Temple in its prestigious form is the result of the above committee.

Similarly , the reconstruction of Kedareshwar temple was also carried out by the renowned engineer Sompura, who had carried out the entire construction work related plans of Somnath Temple.

Renowned environmentalist Chandi Prasad Bhatt has concluded his letter saying that while carrying out the completion and renovation work of Badrinath Temple site special care should be taken in beautification of the temple precincts in collaboration with the specialists having tremendous knowledge with traditional knowhow, saints and common public apart from what its engineers are doing.

He added that he has full faith in Lord Badrinathji and is of the strong opinion that if the government will adhere to these healthy suggestions to maintain the primary shape, character and dignity of the temple, everything will be in order.

Mr. Chandi Prasad Bhatt had written this letter to the prime minister in the month of January and was totally disillusioned to get a very non serious and ridiculing reply as he had send the copy of this letter to the chief minister Pushkar Singh Dhami too.

Since then, there had been lot of hue and cry by the residents of Badrinath precincts and the Pujaries whose shops have been damaged with not a single penny paid to them. They had been residing in these houses from time immemorial with adequate ownership documents. Apart from this the new redevelopment master plan has not been adhered to and the houses n shops of Pujaries dismantled from the ground literally bringing them on streets. Several houses have developed cracks too reveal news reports.

The Alaknanda’s sides are being cut and tinnes of silt being drowned in the pious river with several houses in BAMANI MOHALLA having developed cracks as large and heavy machines have dug their lands from sides resulting in the residents facing threat to their existence.

The BJP activist, andolankari and leader Mr. Ravindra Jugran had few days ago met the CM Pushkar Singh Dhami and presented him a memorandum but of no avail.

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