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Delhi news

Fire in a Coaching centre at Mukherjee Nagar due to short circuit. All safe with some minor injuries !

A coaching centre in Mukherjee Nagar teaching Sanskrit caught fire today leading to panic all around and several students confronting suffocation finding no option but to come out from windows via ropes amid lot of confusion and apprehension of losing their lives. However, all the students and teaching staff is safe and sound reveal latest reports. The fire that started at 12.30 in the afternoon in the top floor coaching centre witnessed heavy smoke coming out its windows with students in panic hurriedly coming out of the building via wires, ropes with their backpacks . While four students received minor injuries rest all of them are safe and sound. According to various news reports about eleven fighter fighting tenders reached the spot and tried hard to douse the fire including safely rescuing some students trapped inside the coaching cente. The students also used the air conditioners as their support system for coming down fitted on other floors of the building. Short circuit in the electric metres has been the reason for fire erupting with students becoming panicky after it spread further and coming out of the building in desperation taking support of air conditioners in other buildings and wires and ropes. The firemen also safely rescued few students who were trapped inside the building lateron. The chief minister of Delhi Arvind Kejriwal while expressing his concern tweeted : This fire incident is very unfortunate. Some students sustained minor injuries while trying to escape . Fire Brigade has controlled the fire . District administration is present in the spot tweeted Arvind Kejriwal.

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