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New Parliament’s inauguration, thunderstorm at Mahalok temple and arrest of protesting women wrestlers at Jantar Mantar !

A nation with high religious and spiritual sentiments and majority verses minority factor usually allegedly at play during elections in particular to seek votes through polarisation on mass scale is worried about an unusual mishappening at Madhya Pradesh’s Ujjain Malakal Lok Temple where the other day due to the falling off a huge ” BARGAD TREE”, ( Banyan) on account of heavy thunderstorm damaged the statues of good number of ancient saints and deities and one of Lord Shiva with the picture of damaged statues and the related news going viral in social media with different comments about this damage.

According to the district magistrate of Ujjain, Kumar Purshottam, the six statues of Saptrishis have been damaged due to heavy thunderstorm yesterday and the work of their rectification is going on in full swing.

The “heads”, of the saints on these statues have been damaged and severed from the body, being considered asa bad omen by devotees.

The heavy thunderstorm also resulted in two house being badly damaged along with several statues due to the ancient ” Bargad tree ” ( Banyan tree) having been uprooted.

It may be recalled that on the personal initiative of prime minister Narendra Modi , the historic ancient Mahakal lok temple was fully renovated with the expenditure of Rs 705 crores that also included grand redevelopment plan of Mahakaleshwar corridor of Ujjain.

The prime minister Narendra Modi himself had inaugurated this entire corridor and the magnificent Mahalok temple.

Several magnificent statues of Lord Shiva, various deities and ancient saints exhibiting the Lord Shiva Leelas were installed in the Mahalok precincts.

These 127 or even more statues, 9 to 25 metres high were erected with full pomp and show in a glittering function inaugurated by prime minister himself.

The construction of these huge statues were executed by MP Babaria company of Gujarat under the contract of Ujjain Smart City Company.

Several posts going viral in social media are equating this mishappening and damage of the huge statues of Lord Shiva and other deities as a bad omen that happened on the day the new parliament was inaugurated costing Rs 971 to 1290 crores being lauded by one and all as one of the best state of the art technology building constructed by Tata Projects Ltd with latest indigenous technology providing every facility of ease and convenience with maximum sitting capacity.

Some social media activists are are also attaching pictures of the protesting women wrestlers at Jantar Mantar struggling with the police and being arrested in large numbers right at the time of the inauguration of new parliament, not terming it as a good sign of democracy in their social media posts.

About 21 opposition parties had also opposed the parliament inauguration ceremony demanding president of India to preside over this event while dedicating the new parliament to nation than PM himself doing it.

A senior journalist and son of former Padmavibhushan and Magsaysay recipient late Sunder Lal Bahuguna, eminent environmentalist , Rajiv Nayan Bahuguna in one of his FB posts wrote : Undoubtedly this is a tremendous VASTU DOSH, MAY BE SOME SERIOUS DEARTH IN PENANCE, THE MOMENT THERE WAS ENTRY HERE , AT UJJAIN THE THUNDERSTORM ARRIVED DAMAGING VARIOUS STATUES OF DEITIES, SOME “MAHAPAATAK HAS DEFINITELY TAKEN PLACE – OTHERWISE LORD WOULD NOT HAVE SHOWN HIS ANGER, DEVOTEES PLEASE ANALYSE ABOUT THE GOOD RESULTS?

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