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Order after hearing of review petitions in Nirbhaya of NAJAFGARH case on Thursday via circulation by three SC Judge Bench led by CJI still pending !

The Hearing of Nirbhaya of Nazafgarh case commenced at 2 PM in hon’ble Supreme Court yesterday. The review petition was posted for hearing in the chamber of the hon’ble chief justice D. Y. Chandrachud, along with justice Ravindra Bhatt and justice Bela M. Trivedi by way of circulation.

According to reliable sources the case was discussed among the three justices inside the chamber through circulation but so far no order has been sighted.

It may be recalled that there were several very important cases in the honourable Supreme Court of national significance including the present one, like the matter pertaining to appointment of Chief Election Commission on the lines of the appointment of CBI chief for which the apex Court formed a three member significant committee comprising of the chief Justice of India, Prime minister and the leader of opposition who will after mutual deliberations appoint the CEC till a new law is passed by both houses of parliament.

A five judge bench was busy hearing this case apart from discussion on another case led by honourable chief justice of India Dhananjay V Chandrachud on most controversial Adani Hindenburg case which also took an important decision to form a six member expert committee to be headed by the retired justice of Supreme Court Mr. Sapre, formerly also two time chief justice of Manipur and Madhya Pradesh High Court.

According to sources the Anamika of NAJAFGARH case was listed on Thursday by circulation which was discussed after lunch among the chief justice and two other justices of three judge bench as above.

Everyone was eagerly waiting for the order after the second hearing , first being earlier in which the honourable CHIEF JUSTICE had said that he may hear this sensitive case in an open Court in future. The ADG solicitar General appearing in behalf of the govt had also brought to the notice of the honourable CJI about a murder committed by one of the accused of Nirbhaya of NAJAFGARH case on 26 th January who was aquitted with two other convicts of this case on the ground of patchy Delhi Police investigations full of loop holes.

However, no order was issued yesterday till evening with everyone keeping their finger crossed. There were few other such cases in which orders are expected reveal sources.

It may be recalled that the case of the most horrendous murder after brutal gang rape of a nineteen year old daughter hailing from Garhwal originally, living in Qutub Vihar in a small ordinary half repaired accommodation is a unique case that demands justice by all means as all the three dreaded culprits were acquitted so conveniently that night body had ever expected whereas the hard fact remains that the brutal murderers cum rapists of the running Vasant Vihar bus were hanged, though after tremendous relentless struggle at the pan India level with extreme media hype. However, what is ironical in the case if Nirbhaya of NAJAFGARH is that this horrendous gang rape cum murder was committed several months before the shameful murder cum rape of our daughter in running bus at Vasant Vihar. Sounds extremely astonishing n anguishing that in one case of similar nature all the four culprits were hanged by neck and in another case of Nirbhaya of NAJAFGARH all the three culprits were set scot free though on the patchy investigations of Delhi Police. However, one of the culprits has again murdered a poor auto driver on 26 th Jan after being acquitted giving clear impression about these culprits being hardened criminals and habitual offenders who had committed the brutal crime ( murder n gang rape) of Nirbhaya of NAJAFGARH but still set free.

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