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United Lawyers Association felicitate Soli Sorabjee with a plaque on completing 91 yrs at IIC

Senior lawyer and general secretary of United Lawyers Association B.K. Paul alongwith with his colleagues on Monday, the 5th April invited eminent legal luminary, jurist n the former solicitor general of India Soli Sarabjee to India International Centre and in a simple function, following the necessary Covid 19 norms, celebrated his 92nd birthday extending him their heartiest good wishes, wishing him sound health and long life and praising his past contribution as an advocate and solicitor general of India during his chequered legal career of five decades. 

The President of ULA Mr. Venkataramani General Secretary B.K. Paul and senior Vice President Mr. S.K Dholakia presented a plaque on behalf of the association as a mark of tribute to the living legend in the profession of law, an eminent jurist, who is also the President of United Lawyers Association.

The participating lawyers n members of the bar narrated their experiences while associated with this great legal luminary and lauded Soli Sorabjee’s significant contribution in protecting human rights terming him as the champion of human rights and an unparalleled icon and living legend of the legal arena who never ran behind money and clients but pursued his legal profession with impeccable integrity and dignity.

Prominent amongst those who expressed their good wishes n recounted their glorious moments with Mr. Soli Sorabjee n his immense contribution in the profession of law terming him as the champion of human rights etc were chairman, Bar Council of India K.C. Mittal, senior advocates viz Debal Bannerjee, R. Venkataramani, Keshav Dayal, Maha Lakshmi Pawani, Member Executive Committee of SBCA, Nikhil Mehta, Member, Executive Committee of DHCBA, Mayur Shah, Member executive ULA and BK Paul, general secretary of United lawyers Association.

Nonagenarian former Solicitor General of India was accompanied with his wife in a wheel chair.

The get together was presided by the Vice President of United Lawyers Association S. K. Dholakia n the glittering plaque presented to Soli Sorabjee as a mark of respect and recognition of his invaluable services in the profession of law, depicted a logo of ULA Journal, Law and justice. Mrs Zenab Sorabjee, who has to her credit number of authored books also joined the occassion with her husband and was greeted with bouquets. Kindly recall that eminent jurist Soli Sorabjee was Solicitor General twice.

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