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Nearly 3600 Covid 19 cases witnessed in last 24 hours. CM Kejrival denies need for lockdown

Delhi is witnessing the fourth spike in Covid 19 cases not the second wave as is, in the country. The situation in Delhi is tremendously worrisome as Covid 19 cases are rising exponentially especially keeping in view the last 24 hours’ record of around 3600 infections but there is no need to worry as compared to earlier Covid times, as the present infection rate has been just fifty percent n deaths reduced enormously.

These views were expressed by the Delhi CM in his virtual press conference today while assuring the Delhi people not to worry but to strictly exercise Covid 19 precautions by adequately following all the official regulations, norms of sanitization, wearing of masks, social distancing of six feet and avoiding going at crowded places. Delhi CM Arvind Kejrival thanked the union government for its successful widespread immunisation campaign at the pan India level with Delhi immunizing more than 70 thousand people till date.

He requested the union government to accord the Delhi government permission to vaccinate Delhites on a war footing not only in hospitals but in schools, community centres, health centres n Anganbadies etc so as to enable maximum people come under the ambit of vaccination.

Patting himself and his government including the Delhites for countering the pandemic strongly and efficiently during the bad times, Delhi CM Arvind Kejrival catagorically said that the government’s can do little as the major responsibility to safeguard themselves from this dreaded pandemic lies on countrymen and Delhites, requesting each and everyone to strictly follow the Covid 29 norms and regulations and exercise maximum precautions.

Assuring Delhites of the full preparedness of Delhi hospitals to comfortably deal with any type of Covid 19 situation Delhi CM Arvind Kejrival said that 33 Delhi hospitals have been asked to enhance their ICU beds to twenty percent more with government hospitals of Delhi too directed to increase their ICUs.

He warned Delhites that keeping in view the sudden spike in Covid 19 cases in the capital they are strictly advised to exercise precautions n obey Covid 19 norms including wearing of masks, maintaining physical distance, avoiding crowded places n sanitizing themselves as and when necessary.

Regarding the possibility of lockdown in view of the enhancing cases of Corona, Delhi CM Arvind Kejrival refused to clamp lockdown in Delhi saying that if the need is really felt in the near future he would consult Delhites before arriving at any decision on this. It may be recalled that on March 15 there were merely 400 cases in Delhi but during the last 24 hours the spike exponentially rose to 3600 cases.

Pics grabbed from vedio

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