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The fundamental issue is the path of development Uttarakhand has adopted is fundamentally flawed and anti natural. Uttarakhand can’t survive if scores of hydroelectric projects are undertaken on its river.

The entire Himalyan region especially in the Garhwal region has been pierced through a web of tunnels. In many stretches the rivers are emptied from their original course due to diversion for hydroelectric projects. The young Himalayan mountains of Uttarakhand have been hollowed out through the web of tunnels. Tunnels are like proverbial arrows of destruction and devastation for Uttarakhand. These tunnels have tormented the Garhwal Himalayas eternally and irreparabily.

They have scarred the Uttarakhand Himalayas beyond repairs and rejuvenation. The monumental insensitivity towards ecological degradation and unbridled corruption in these mega projects in the name of development has killed Uttarakhand permanently and irreparably. The so-called natural disasters occurring at regular intervals in recent years are a direct result of tunnelling of UK Himalayas for mega hydroelectric projects.

The railway line under construction in Garhwal is another source of weakening and jeopardising the Uttarakhand Himalayas by innumerable tunnels being pierced through the UK Himalayas. What is the need for railways in the Himalayas ? Can’t we think of a better sustainable alternative to tunnel railways ?

The alternative to tunnel railways should be eco friendly and strengthen the fragile eco system rather than weakening the already fragile ecosystem. The craze for mega projects is killing the Uttarakhand Himalayan eco system and thereby making it dangerous for human habitation.

There is also demand for a railway line between Tanakpur and Bageshwar running through the pristine Kumaon hills. If this Tanakpur- Bageshwar railway line becomes a reality then that will usher in massive environmental destruction and devastation of Kumaon region.

I wonder why Uttarakhand is not able to see light beyond the tunnel. Enough destruction and devastation has already happened in Uttarakhand in the name of development through mega hydroelectric projects and roads like Char Dham Road corridor.

Why can’t we be content with 5.5 meter wide char dham road? Why do we need a char dham road that threatens the life and environment of the region. Nobody is against development but what type of development and instruments of development is the moot point. Can we continue to pursue the path of development that spells death knell for our nature, life and society. I think time has come to say big No to the path of development we have pursued so far.

There is a need for sanity in our policy makers and also an urgent need for effective assertion of the right to life on the part of environmentalists and all other societal and cultural groups who care about the environment and life and culture of Uttarakhand.

Our existence is under threat. We have to save the Himalayas and its people and culture from the forces of development who have wrought havoc to the Himalayas and its people. The political leadership of Uttarakhand has to show required courage to assert their right to take decisions which are not detrimental to the interest of state and its society.

That courage is totally missing. We have to say no to any developmental program or scheme that violates environmental concerns of the region. The debate ‘Development or Destruction’ or ‘Vikas or Vinash’ has assumed more urgency now than ever in the context of Uttarakhand.

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One Comment

  1. Yes rightly said by K.S. Jangpangi, either Development or Destruction. विकास या विनाश. We have to save the Himalayas from destruction by taking second thoughts to hydroelectric tunnels, CHAR DHAM road corridor & railway tunnels from Tanakpur to Bageshwar.

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