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Three convicts in Nirbhaya of Najafgarh gang rape cum brutal murder acquitted !

The supreme Court has acquitted three culprits involved in the gang rape and brutal murder of Nirbhaya of Najafgarh who were sentenced to death by the Dwarka Session’s Court.

The news about the dreaded acquittal of these three dreaded convicts given capital punishment earlier has send shivers down the spine of anguished and traumatic parents of late Kiran Negi who was the only supporting hand of the family living in Qutub Vihar, Najafgarh, brutally killed a, before the Nirbhaya of Vacant Vihar running bus on, 16 December 2012 .

Nirbhaya of Najafgarh Kiran Negi was kidnapped by the three culprits while returning back home from her job with her three colleagues at Qutub Vihar.

She was forcibly lifted in the car by these culprits and taken to Haryana where she was gang raped and brutally killed with 21 grievous, wounds on her body on February 9, 2012. A broken bottle too was allegedly inserted in her private party shamefully.

After tremendous protests by an NGO Sanjeevni led by late Anita Negi Gupta hundreds of infuriated women, men and young men including inhabitants of Uttarakhand living in Delhi held several protest demonstrations, candle marches and presented memorandum to various, higher authorities demanding stringent punishment n death to the guilty.

These anguished women n men also held series of protest demonstrations outside the Dwarka Court while the hearing was in protest. The learned judge ordered capital punishment to three dreaded culprits of gang rape and brutal murder of the Nirbhaya of Najafgarh. The convicts went to higher Court against the capital punishment.

The DHC upheld the Dwarka Court decision compelling the convicts to approach the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court after several years of hearing finally acquitted the convicts scot free reveal the news reports.

This is indeed extremely shocking say the social activists who’d relentlessly struggled to ensure justice to the anguished and bereaved family of late Kiran Negi.

The former chief minister of Uttarakhand Harish Rawat while expressing concern over the apex Court judgement wrote in his social media post in Hindi : A very anguishing news has arrived today. The hospital honourable Supreme Court of India has acquitted the brutal killers and obnoxious rapists of Kiran Negi who were given capital punishment by district court as well as Delhi High Court. This is a most outrageous murder n rape as was the brutal gangrape and killing of Nirbhaya of Vasant Vihar. I wonder where had the government lacked while producing all the necessary witnesses and medical report etc that the criminals who were to be hanged till death have been set scot free. This seems to be unacceptable but it’s the supreme order # Justice For Kiran Negi, wrote Harish Rawat.

The Delhi Commission of Women chief Swati Maliwal while reacting on the apex Court judgement tweeted in Hindi : A 19 year old girl was gang raped and brutally murdered in 2012. The Delhi Has gh Court has awarded death sentence to the convicts of this dangerously sensitive case. This is the case in what ch a bottle was inserted into the private part of the girl and a city in her eyes. Will this judgement not encourage the courage of the brutal rapists n murderers tweeted Shweta Maliwal.

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