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Delhi news

IYC chief says that the 4 year Agnipath Scheme will push youths into quagmire of unemployment

Despite the government enhancing the age of the applicants of Agnipath employment scheme of Armed Forces, the opposition Congress is not relenting. The Indian Youth Congress president Sriniwas BV has termed Agnipath Scheme a hoax saying that it has broken the dreams of millions of youth of the country. In a press release issued today the frontal youth organisation of Congress which had been protesting and courting arrests demanding withdrawal Agnipath and maintaining status quo has charged the BJP led NDA government of reducing the military honour. The youth Congress chief said that the youth of the country are feeling having been betrayed by this new scheme of employment for merely four years with no future ahead.

Castigating the ruling party BJP for not taking the opposition parties into confidence, neither holding any meeting nor discussions on Agnipath Scheme, the Indian Youth Congress chief said that the youths of the feel cheated as there is no job security, no pension, no canteen facility nor respect for the heroes to be recruited under the Agnipeeth scheme. He catagorically said that this scheme will not only spoil the future of the recruits but will also leave them of nowhere. Appealing the youth of the country to protest peacefully to register their protest not harming the government or private properties as well has human lives, IYC urged the central government to withdraw Agnipath Scheme forthwith and maintain status quo in the larger interest of the youths and the nation. This is utmostly important as according to Sriniwas the scheme of four years employment with no job security n pension benefits is pushing the youths towards the quagmire of unemployment.

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