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Rich tributes paid to legendary thinker, journalist, author, literateur, poet, theater activist and editor of Gandhi Vangmay Rajendra Dhasmana on his 6 th death anniversary.

Eminent literateur, intellectual, thinker, cultural n theatre activist, veteran journalist and a strong voice of dissent in literature and politics Rajendra Dhasmana was remembered on his sixth death anniversary in Mohan Nagar Ghaziabad at Studio KEN.

The editor of Gandhi Vangmay – collected works on Father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi, the editor of Doordarshan news, theatre n cultural activist apart from a non compromising progressive personality on principles including an outstanding critic and author of dramas, poetries, prose etc Rajendra Dhasmana was an outstanding personality popular among journalistic, literary, social and theatrical fraternity.

A multidimensional personality Rajendra Dhasmana also contributed to the separate Uttarakhand movement and had to his credit several authored books on literature, poetries, dramas and editing newspapers etc.

The other day a seminar was organised by Burans Sahitya and Kala Kendra at Ken Studio, Mohan Nagar Ghaziabad in which the senior journalist president of Press Club of India Umakant Lakhera, Charu Tiwari, well known literateur Ramesh Ghildiyal, anchor and journalist Pradeep Vedwal, Indu Devrani, Beena Nayal, Anil Rana etc paid their richest tributes by praising the iconic literary personality terming him a legend inspiring the present generation by his outstanding contribution to the society.

The president of Press Club of India Umakant Lakhera while paying his tributes said that legendary literateur Rajendra Dhasmanji never compromised on principles, values and ethics he stood for, never ever being hypocritical in his entire life. He was an outspoken n forthright personality who never tried to please anyone with his polished views but had always been candid. About his protracted association with Rajendra Dhasmana, senior journalist Umakant Lakhera said that after coming into his contact during the initial years the bonds became more and more strong and continued till the end. He added that Uttarakhand is indebted by the invaluable contribution of Rajendra Dhasmana to the society in various fields throughout his life.

The socio political activist and senior journalist Charu Tiwari in his address while paying tributes to iconic literateur and author Rajendra Dhasmana said that he had always been outspoken on the issues of Himalayas, its environment, culture and theatre etc and never compromised on principles n values pursued throughout his life.

Prominent literateur n author of Uttarakhand Ramesh Ghildiyal while shedding light on his association with Dhasmanaji during the decades of 1960 and 70 said that he used to participate in various literary and poetry get togethers with due interest being one of its organisers as well. Uttarakhand is privileged n indebted to him for his invaluable contribution to Uttarakhand’s theatre, poetries, literature, culture and his great works on Gandhi Vangmay as its editor said Ramesh Ghildiyal.

The anchor of the seminar, journalist Pradeep Vedwal while reminding about Dhasmanaji leading a fact finding team to investigate the the obnoxious and shameful incident of atrocities on women and several killings at Ram Pur Tiraha said that his contribution to separate Uttarakhand movement have been tremendous. The fact finding committee of journalists that visited Mujaffarnagr under Dhasmanaji’s leadership not only evaluated the entire mishappening there , but also brought the facts about arbitrary firing on Uttarakhand’s women n men including children etc to the top government officials.

Others who spoke on the ocassion were counsellor Anil Rana, Indivijal Dhasmana, Beena Nayal, Indu Devrani, Prithvi Singh Kedarkhandi, Chandan Gusain, Dinesh Bisht, Deepa Nayal, Atul Devrani, Kiran Tiwari etc. The debate and seminar was ably moderated by journalist Pradeep Vedwal.

राजेन्द्र धस्माना (Rajendra Dhasmana)का जीवन

M.S Mehta from

(माताः कलावती देवी, पिताः स्व. चण्डी प्रसाद धस्माना)
जन्मतिथि : 9 अप्रैल 1936
जन्म स्थान : बग्याली
पैतृक गाँव : बग्याली जिला : पौड़ी गढ़वाल
वैवाहिक स्थिति : विवाहित बच्चे : 2 पुत्र, 1 पुत्री
शिक्षा : पोस्ट ग्रेजुएट डिप्लोमा इन जर्नलिज्म
पोस्ट ग्रेजुएट डिप्लोमा इन पब्लिक रिलेशन्स
सतत स्वाध्याय, घुमक्कड़ी और जन-संपर्क से ज्ञान और अनुभव अर्जन। खतरों, मुश्किलों और जान लेवा परिस्थितियों से टकराते-टकराते अनुभवों में चमक-दमक आती गई।
जीवन का महत्वपूर्ण मोड़ः अभी तक मोड़ों पर ही हूँ, सीधी सड़क अभी आने को है।
प्रमुख उपलब्धियाँ : 1955 से हिंदी कविताओं की रचना। विविध लेख और समीक्षाएँ भी प्रकाशित। अभी तक काव्य संग्रह ‘परवलय’ प्रकाशित। 1960 से अखबार, प्रकाशकों के यहाँ नौकरी के बाद 1978 तक संपूर्ण गांधी वांगमय में सहायक संपादक 1979 से। समाचार प्रभाग, आकाशवाणी एवं समाचार एकक, दूरदर्शन में समाचार संपादक। 1993 से 95 तक सम्पूर्ण गांधी वांगमय में प्रधान संपादक। 1995 में सेवा निवृत्त। 1993 से 2000 तक दूरदर्शन के प्रातः कालीन समाचार बुलेटिन का संपादन (सेवा निवृत्ति के बाद भी)। 1960 से रंगकर्मी के रूप में भी कार्य किया। आठवें दशक से गढ़वाली रंगमंच के लिए नाटक लिखे, जिनमें ‘जंकजोड़’, ‘अर्धग्रामेश्वर’, ‘पैसा न ध्यल्ला गुमान सिंह रौत्यल्ला’, ‘जय भारत जय उत्तराखण्ड’ के मंचन काफी चर्चित रहे। भवानी दत्त थपल्याल के ‘प्रींद नाटक’ का अपडेटिंग किया, जिसके केवल दो प्रदर्शन हो पाये। कन्हैयालाल डंडरियाल के ‘कंस-वध’ का पुनर्लेखन ‘कंसानुक्रम’ के रूप में किया। ‘भड़ भंडारी माधोसिंह’ का मंचन नहीं हुआ। गढ़वाली नाटकों पर 30 स्मारिकाएं और उत्तराखण्ड पर 9 पठनीय स्मारिकाओं का संपादन किया। इलेक्ट्रॉनिक मीडिया और कुछ संस्थानों के लिए 20 से अधिक डाक्युमेंटरी बनाईं। सम्प्रति उत्तराखण्ड लोक स्वातंत्र्य संगठन (पी.यू.सी.एल.) के अध्यक्ष। उत्तराखण्ड के सामाजिक-राजनीतिक जीवन में सक्रिय योगदान मानव अधिकारों के लिए समर्पित।
युवाओं के नाम संदेशः जीवन का कुछ समय दूसरों के लिए भी जिएँ।
विशेषज्ञता : रंगकर्म, समाज सेवा, घुमक्कड़ी, ग्राम-विकास, साहित्य- संस्कृति, लोक संचित ज्ञान, गांधी दर्शन, पत्रकारिता, समाचार सम्पादन, मीडिया, मानवाधिकार।

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