Benjwadi and Kot Kotsada Pauri Garhwal football teams defeat Kathur team in Kot Block soccer tournament

A football tournament is being held at Kot block, Sithonsiun, Pauri Garhwal grounds between various teams of budding under 14 and over 18 footballers in memory of those who had succumbed to dreaded pandemic Covid 19. Unfortunately, some football lovers n players were the victims of the pandemic.
This football tournaments is held every year in Kot Block by a Committee of football lovers in the month of December to encourage budding footballers.
This year these competitions have been dedicated to those who succumbed to Covid 19 last year living in and around the Kot Block villages.
In two matches held yesterday between the football teams of Kotsada and Kathur villages under Sithonsiun patty and Kathur verses Bainjwadi village teams Kathur team lost in both the matches despite playing interestingly and in high spirits.
The Kotsada football team won by one goal against Kathur while the Benjwadi team triumphed by 6- 3 goals.
The tournament matches are still going on till 25 th December. The final winner and the runner up teams would be presented winner trophies donated by Ratan Rawat from Kathur, living at Noida, himself being a footballer and an ex air force officer. The tournament commenced on 25 th December.
This football tournament being held in honour of the unfortunate ones who lost their lives during dreaded Covid 19 phase in Kot Block, Pauri Garhwal were Surendra Singh Kathaith – Sundhi Bhai, Kadol Gaon, Yogambar Rawat, Salda, Pushpa Devi Negi, Kathur, Bhama Devi, Kathur, Sanjay Singh, Thamana, Athul, Talla, Janki Devi, Heeta Rawat, Bilkedar, Jaipal Singh, Minthi, Vikram Singh Rauthan, Kot, etc.
A stalwart Gandhi Singh Negi also died later on though not due to Covid but was a renowned teacher and social activist of Pauri Garhwal, from village Kathur whose entire life was dedicated for noble causes.
This soccer tournament teams included players under 14 footballers and another of the seniors. The tournament is being organised by Kot football Committe organising the Kot tournaments in the past as well annually.
Ratan Singh Rawat, himself a footballer and an ex Air Force officer of Gram Kathur living in Noida and active in Garhwal Heroes has presented a wonderful trophy for the winner of the tournament including rest of the trophies for the entire team n the sports kits with ten footballs etc .
The organisers are highly optimistic that this tournament will inspire one and all to fight such pandemics n help those confronted with such critical situations during the hour of need.