A child attacked by maneater and grievously injured in Village Kendula Thaangar, Pauri Garhwal

The maneater leopards have gone berserk in Uttarakhand’s Garhwal and Kumaon regions and not a day is left when dreaded cases of maneaters attack on human beings are not reported. The only resolution of this dangerous situation by the state government and its chief minister was that he enhanced the compensation of Rs three lakhs to Rs six lakhs for the bereaved family in death case and Rs. One lakh for those seriously injured. However, the forest and wild life department of Uttarakhand has literally done nothing to avert the increasing risk of maneaters killing human beings nor any solution about their possible safety in sight. If we go by the statistics which are not made available by the state government regarding the number of casualties by the maneaters including the injured – according to a conservative estimate till now several hundred people have become victims of these maneaters going dead including seriously injured, the number of children, women and old aged going up gradually. Today another dreaded tragedy has occured in Garhwal region of Uttarakhand when a child of THAANGAR VILLAGE , Dwarika in Satpuli area in Pauri Garhwal district was brutally attacked by a maneater in early morning hours at 7.30 AM on the head. According to latest news when the child was playing in the compound of the house a maneater appeared clandestinely and pounced on the child grabbing him but the villagers came to know of it when he cried. However, by this time the maneater has injured a part of the head and face with deep bleeding wounds clearly visible bringing goose bumbs.The panic stricken villagers made a noise and the maneater left the child profusely bleeding with his head injured badly. The child was so badly panicked and injured grievously that he fell unconscious. The family members and the villagers immediately took the child to the hospital managed by the Hans Foundation. The maneater was often seen by the Kendula Thanhar inhabitants wandering in the area by the villagers saying that it might be the same predator. The villagers and the residents of surrounding areas are badly panicked and have requested the forest department to put cages in the village and capture the maneater for the safety of the inhabitants at the earliest. The child is in a Satpuli hospital under treatment being closely looked after by surgeons.