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45 attendants and Law experts deliberate on Intl law on principles of peace in Bangladesh and India virtually

About 45 attendants and law experts participated in the 10-week debates on the International Law on the Principles of Peace keeping held on line in Bangladesh and India. According to the HWPL representative in India, Delhi based senior Advocate B. K Paul said that the meet discussed “Declaration of Peace & Cessation of War (DPCW)” as drafted by HWPL’s, Seoul based NGO, International Law Peace Commission comprising of experts from 15 different countries including Dr. Kamal Hossain, President of International Law Association, Bangladesh Branch & Former Minister of Justice who also attended the closing ceremony.

According to the press release sent by senior advocate B.K Paul who’d earlier attended several HWPL functions online, Dr. Hossain in his closing remarks said that there is necessity of invention of legal framework to secure peace at both national and international levels. The Myanmar and Syria conflicts also came up for discussion which ended up by deciding to make participants as “Messenger of Peace” who will provide Peace Cultural Education to students and people as a whole. According to Mr Paul, senior advocate and India representative HWPL (Heavenly Culture World Peace, Restoration of Light) is a peace NGO having special consultative status with the UNECOSOC and associated with UNDGC which 3 mains peace initiatives – “International Law for Peace”, “Interfaith Dialogues Meeting” and “Peace Education”.

The DPCW emphasizes on principles of Peace building such as the prohibition of the use of force, development of friendly relation and peaceful dispute settlement.

According to participants, countries in Southeast Asia and Central America have begun to rebuild their national infrastructure based on the DPCW and the local governments are officially declaring their support for the DPCW in order to implement peace principles in South Asia.

The DPCW was introduced into the University curriculum as an academic research course on the role of law for a peaceful society.

According to UNESCO, over 190 countries closed down educational facilities, and over 1.6 billion students lost their opportunity for sustainable education.

In such a situation as a part of online campaign “Teaching goes on” by the HWPL and peace education is now taught at 214 locations in 34 countries providing online peace education for over 5,000 students 224 times in 15 countries according to the press release.

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