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Delhi news

33 cases registered and fifty probes initiated but I came out Scott free in all of them says Kejrival after CBI probe ordered against him

The defiant Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejrival has today said that now prime minister has instituted a CBI enquiry against him over the alleged irregularities in renovation of my official house.

He was answering to the questions of the media.

Irritated but smiling Arvind Kejrival said that Prime Minister Sir ( Pradhanmantriji) is apprehensive and this action of CBI probe against me is an indicative of this apprehension/ nervousness.

On being asked about his reaction on this probe by a primier investigative agency against him, Delhi CM Arvind Kejrival said this is nothing new as there had been thirty three cases lodged against me already and fifty enquiries executed during the last nine years , but till date nothing was found against me.

He added – they had initiated enquiries and accused me of scams in Buses, schools, education, liquor , water and power but after in depth investigations found nothing despite their best efforts.

They won’t get anything in this probe as well said Kejrival. He even went to an extent of using derogatory language against PM saying what more, what else can we expect from a fourth class passed King. He has no job except giving speeches 24X 7 and playing the game of enquiry enquiry said Delhi CM.

Instead of working he wants me to join his party like other leaders said Kejrival. He catagorically said that they may lodge cases after cases against me and initiate fake enquiries but I will never bow in front of them.

He challenged the prime minister and asked if nothing is found against me as was the case in previous probes, Will he resign on the charge of fake enquiry against me ?

He also wrote a post on X, earlier Twitter about the registration of CBI case against him and what he said to the media.

Kindly recall that in the month of April, the BJP Delhi state president Virendra Sachdev had levelled accusations against Delhi CM of misusing the Delhi government money worth Rs 45 crores on the renovation of his official bungalow in Delhi. There were lot of protests and media hype on this issue and the Delhi Lt Governor Vinay Kumar Saxena had directed the Delhi government’s chief secretary to look into this. The CS in his report confirmed about the irregularities in the renovation of the chief minister’s house resulting in the LG recommending the case for CBI probe with the investigating agencies taking in their possession all the records of the PWD.

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