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Uniform Civil Code, not Concrete land act to be discussed and passed in Ukhand assembly post Diwali !

As the national election is coming nearer, two issues, one pertaining to Ram Mandir’s inauguration and another pertaining to Uniform Civil Code are being seriously implemented, the former on 22 January and other thereafter. These two issues will primarily benefit the ruling saffron party as they usually lead to polarisation of majority community an open secret which everyone know.

In Uttarakhand, there are reports that a special state assembly session is being organised at Dehradun post Diwali to debate on Uniform civil code and its subsequent clearance. All the stakeholders have been asked to be ready for this special session reveal sources.

A high level five member committee to formulate policies for the implementation of Uniform Civil Code had been formed by the the state government led by the ( Retired) judge of Supreme Court Justice Ranjana Desai comprising of Justice Pyramid, Kohli ( Retired) , social activist Manu Gaur, former chief secretary, Uttarakhand Shatrughan Singh and Vice Chancellor of Doon University Surekha Dangwal.

Though a heated debate on UCC is expected to take place in Uttarakhand assembly as, Congress party is already opposing it tooth and nail asking the government to show it the report first to make certain amends if necessary, before tabling it in state assembly. However, it is a well known fact that BJP being in comfortable majority with 57 lawmakers in the house of 70 in Uttarakhand assembly, the UCC bill will go through comfortable, becoming a basis for the UCC to be implemented in other states and at national level.

If the UCC as expected and BJP extremely sure about its implementation, is passed by the Uttarakhand assembly, it will be the first state in the country to implement it ( UCC) which was the long pending demand and assurance of BJP in their manifesto since 1977 and after 1980 when Bhartiya Janata Party came into existence after leaving Janata Party

conglomerate. Goa is the only state in the country which has a Uniform Civil Code which was introduced during the Portuguese regime prior to India achieving independence. According to latest reports the Five Member UCC panel led by Justice Ranjana Desai has already completed the report on UCC and would be handing it over to Uttarakhand chief minister Pushkar Singh Dhami.

While talking to TO I the chief minister categorically said the once the report is handed over to him, there won’t be any delay in getting it passed by the assembly and acknowledging the Governors consent.

The Uniform Civil Code talks about providing a legal framework for marriages, divorce, properties, inheritance rights, lands, social harmony, gender discrimination providing everyone equal rights irrespective of caste, community, religious and other form of discrimination. It also deals on the live in relationship and several other complex issues like polygamy, polyandry ban and raising the marriage age limit etc.

It just usually felt that the Uniform Civil Code if implemented sends cheers in the majority community this a major factor in enticing votes of the majority community with minorities always against it.

It may be recalled that in Uttarakhand issues pertaining to employment, a concrete land act forbidding outsiders to buy lands in Uttarakhand which is disturbing and destroying the demography of Uttarakhand have been kept on back burner but UCC which is not an urgent issue being death with on priority basis, just be case the national elections are round the corner and Ram Mandir and UCC issues are vote catching instruments for the Bhartiya Janata Party.

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