24 yr old brave boxer turned model stabbed repeatedly. Dies on reaching hospital.

There is hardly any security of adolescent girls and those who try to protect them from such human beasts. Had such obnoxious incidents been tackled in time stringently to discourage such criminal elements not only will the lives of the victimised girls be saved but those brave youngsters protecting their modesty could also be protected. Unfortunately, this does not happen some time leading to brutal deaths of the protectors. This is what has happened in Rohtak Haryana where a 24 year old young dare devil was brutally murdered when he tried to protect a girl from the obnoxious clutches of a human beast who was harrassing and assaulting an adolescent twelve year innocent girl. it so happened that a 24 year old boxer turned model Kamesh who had gone to Tej Colony with some work to a relative’s house noticed that a criminal used to constantly eve tease, and assault a 12 year old girl. This brave young boxer in order to protect the girl tried to object to the intolerant boy’s indecent gestures n assaulting attitude. While the boxer was arguing n resisting the criminal’s move, the latter wipped out a knife and repeated stabbed the boxer cum model Kamesh who later on succumbed to the grievous injuries. According to the news reports the injured boxer profusely bleeding was admitted to the PGIMR Rohtak hospital where he breathed his last said tge DSP Rohtak, Gorakhpal. The police has rwgistered the case under sections 302 murder etc n the investigations are underway. The killer is still absconding.