Never believe in the policy of use and throw says union minister Gadkari in a meeting at Nagpur ! Would prefer jumping in a well than joining Congress – he told to Congress leader Jhichkar, once !

In Congress while its veteran leader who left it after his five decades’ old association with the grand old party Ghulam Nabi Azad has declared of forming his own political party with other annoyed leaders like Anand Sharma training guns against the recent decision to declare party president election schedule at CWC, a voice of dissent in BJP too is simmering up though gently by union minister of Transport and highways Nitin Gadkari, who along with MP CM Shivraj Singh were ousted from BJP parliamentary Board on August 17 creating quite a sensitisation in BJP circles.

Addressing a meeting of entrepreneurs during the launch of Young President’s Organisation – deeply hurt Nitin Gadkari said that human relationship is the biggest strength for anybody who is in business, social work and politics. Thus never indulge in the politics of use and throw adding that once you held someone’s hand, hold it tight and strongly not leaving him/ her in lurch irrespective of whether situation is bad or worse.
He further added that everyone welcomes those whose suns are rising but leave them while in utter crisis. Don’t leave your friend during crisis or change according to circumstances emphasised Nitin Gadkari compelling the media persons to equate his comments to his outbursts after he and his colleague MP CM Shiv Raj Singh have been ousted from the parliamentary board of BJP despite the hard fact that he had been the party president earlier from 2009 to 2013 and was popular as well.
In his capacity as the present union minister Roads n highways too Gadkari is being lauded tremendously for his awesome achievements of roads and transports sector nationally building wide network of highways in the country including an overambitious all weather roads in Chardhams Uttarakhand connecting people of the country with the himalayan state n it’s historic religious portals.
Being very particular about never deceiving one’s friend Nitin Gadkari during his speech said : It you held someone’s hand, particularly if he is your friend, hold it tight, n never leave your friend even in crisis or bad times. Human relationship is the biggest strength for anybody. Thus never indulge in the policy of use and throw.
Expressing his loyalty towards the BJP since his student and young days he narrated an incident that his close friend who was in Congress Shrikant Jhichkar had advised him number of times to join Congress to enlighten my future but despite my close friendship with him, I refused his proposal and said I will prefer dying by jumping into the well than joining Congress because I don’t believe in the ideology of Congress.
He even quoted the formed United States president Richard Nixon’s words : A man is not finished after losing or defeat but is finished after he quits ! Kindly recall that after Gadkari’s exit from the Parliamentary Board of BJP, especially he being entitled, being the former BJP chief as Rajnath Singh was included, there had been several comments in social media fabricating his comments amounting to Gadkari drawing political mileage after his unceremonious ouster from Parliamentary board.
Then Gadkari had threatened to sue them in the courts saying that though he was not at all disturbed by these malicious agendas of fringe elements in the interest of the party, it’s millions of workers and reputation I will sue them in the court.