The first producer director of Garhwali film “Jagwaal, Parashar Gaur is a backbone of Garhwali theatre.

By BHISHMA KUKRETI, eminent writer, literateur
Parashar Gaur is a backbone for Garhwali theatre. Gaur not only provided facilities for staging Garhwali dramas but he wrote, directed Garhwali dramas and performed in the Garhwali Dramas too. Gaur was one of the dedicate Garhwali theatre personalities of Delhi. He has to his credit producing and directing the first Garhwali multi colour feature Film titled ” JAGWAAL”. He is often called the Dada Falke of Garhwal, Uttarakhand. His play ‘Rehearsal’ is an experimental drama and has many facets. The drama ‘Rehearsal’ deals with the bitter problems of Garhwali theatres, it is a psychological drama too.

The drama depicts various aspects of human behavior. The drama ‘Rehearsal’ shows the basic nature of human being putting on mask for showing different character to the public while the reality is different than what a human being does before public.
The drama is about rehearsal taking place for a program organized by a Garhwali organization. There is basic problem of female leading lady. Sandhya comes to rescue the theatre organizer. Sandhya is facing many social problems as Garhwali theatre female artists used to face social problems in sixties and seventies. Drama Director Dandriyal fell in love with Sandhya and other side, her husband is exploiting the situation.

The wife of leading male drama artist suspects him for love affair with Sandhya. There is ego centric tussle among managing committee of Garhwali social organization in staging the drama. Dandriyal wants monopolistic right on Sandhya. Sandhya refuses to go according to Dandriyal (director of play). Dandriyal murders Sandhya. Now the managing committee members are in trauma for fear of their arrest and are sadly worried about non-staging of much waited drama.

The one act drama has power to create suspense and suspect for future course of activities in the drama. ‘Rehearsal’ is one of the finest Garhwali dramas staged in Delhi. Born at village Mirchora,in Kaljikhal block of Garhwal, Uttarakhand Parashar Gaur is in Canada who usually visits India and his ancestral village Mirchoda in patti Aswalsiun, in Pauri Garhwal, district.