The controversy making headlines in Indian as well as in Western media earlier is not ready to lye down with the police of Chezk Republic extraditing the criminal responsible for killing the anti India Khalistani activist Gurpatwant Panun Singh, to American police authorities for hatching a conspiracy to murder the former from Prague airport posting his video on the social media handle X writing in polish language : Since Friday, the foreigner is suspected in the US of conspiracy to commit murder-for-hire in the hands of American justice. The cooperation of foreign police officers, the Directorate for International Police Cooperation and colleagues from the USA enabled the safe extradition from the Prague airport. #policiepp. Kindly recall that the alleged killer Nikhil Gupta had been held responsible for allegedly killing a successionist, anti Indian Khalistani protagonist Gurpatwant Pannun Singh representing the Khalistani organisation based in America where it is alleged that Nikhil Gupta hatched a conspiracy to kill him. The culprit Nikhil Gupta had clandestinely sneaked in Chezk Republic’s capital Prague while the Interpol police, American sleuths and that of Canada were cumulatively searching him. Meanwhile according to the Chezk minister of justice Mr Pavel Blazek’s message on his social media handle X : In the basis of my decision on June 3, Indian citizen Nikhil Gupta who is suspected of conspiracy to commit murder- for – hire with intent to cause death, was extradited to the United States on Friday ( June 14) for criminal prosecution. According to news reports the Indian national involved in the murder of Sikh Khalistani leading activist Gurpatwant Panun Singh, Nikhil Gupta had pleaded non guilty and was arrested by the Prague, Chezk police authorities after course from Interpol last year in June but extradited now to United States for being involved in hatching a conspiracy to kill the Khalistani leading activist . According to the various reports n of TOI the United States Federal investigation agencies n prosecution have alleged that Indian Nationalist was allegedly working on behalf of the Indian officials to orchestrated the murder for hire plot targetting Gurpatwant Panun Singh. There were charges that Nikhil Gupta allegedly hired a professional killer bh making him. A payment if advance 15000 US dollars. The Indian authorities have taken a very serious view of the charges of US authorities and have strongly rebutted the allegations as concocted, baseless and figment of imagination, initiating its own investigations. Meanwhile, the Reuters also filed a story and write on X posting it as below, writing : Nikhil Gupta, a accused by US prosecutors of plotting with an Indian government official to kill Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, a US resident who advocated for a sovereign Sikh State in Northern India , pleaded not guilty to murder- for – hire conspiracy charges .