A private car engaged in US President’s security entourage ousted and driver with customer detained though let off after interrogation!

The security of US President Joe Biden is extremely vigilant and would never take any chance to err. About 50 to 60 security personnel of high standing, tremendous precision and fully equipped with all the latest gi tech security equipments. The US President who is in New Delhi these days for G 20 Summit is likely to fly back tomorrow . He is staying in Hotel Maurya along with his entire entourage where the entire floor beneath his suite and above have been kept vacant from security point of view. It is believed that good number of rooms probably 400 have been reserved for Biden’s security and staff in Hotel Maurya. Even on roof tops of the hotel the security personnel are deployed. His special black cars known as Beast and the safest vehicle in the world been brought from Washington, US along with his entourage. The high profile security of US president is a three layered which incorporates bomb detectors, advanced weapons, a control room with a parallel communications network. The US president’s security is the best in the world, being the president of the first and present super power in the world the against whom the threat perception are comparatively more than any other VVIP especially because America has tremendous intervention in global politics directly or indirectly. The US president’s security is so highly attentive and vigilant can be gauged from the fact that they had immediately judged one of a private cars driver who disappeared from his big entourage in Delhi to pick his old customer in order to drop him at Taj Mahal Hotel. According to ABP news , the vigilant security apparatus of US President on getting this information tracked him at hotel Taj Man Singh along with his previous customer detaining both and handing to the Delhi Police. However, some in depth interrogation they were let off. Kindly recall that some of the cars have arrived from America in view of high security including few “Beasts”, and some cars hired in rent after proper security assessment. All the cars have proper security stickers and scanned daily from security angle. One of the private cars among the US president’s security entourage was from Delhi. This Ertiga car had all the security stickers etc . It so happened that being behind probably, the driver of the car got a call from his regular customer requesting him to drop him at Hotel Taj Man Singh, sensing that who will notice him and that he will meet them at the venue of G 20 summit thereafter. On Saturday the Ertiga car driver/ owner hired by US president’s security got a call from his previous regular customer to pick him from Lodhi Estate and drop him at Taj Man Singh Hotel. He did so but the US security personal was already there and the driver and customer were grabbed at Hotel Taj Man Singh reveals ABP news. Both of them were deeply interrogated nd handed over to Delhi Police though left after wards. The Ertiga car was put away from the presidential security entourage with immediate effect with necessary warning. Today is the second and final day of the G 20 summit, which would be from next year G-21 summit after the inclusion of South African Union at the behest of PM and G 20 president Narendra Modi. It is believed that more than fifty thousand police personnel are deputed to maintain the security arrangements of the VVIPs, foreign diplomats and head of the G 20 nations and other country’s invitees Delhi including security of the national capital, NCR and its borders.